Sex Offenders In Zip Code 10312
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While DCJS cannot tell you if there are any Level 1 sex offenders or sex offenders with a pending risk level in your neighborhood or who they are, the agency can advise if a particular individual is on the registry.
Call 1-800-262-3257 with the name and at least one other identifier (an exact address, date of birth, driver's license number, or a social security number) to learn if that individual is a registered sex offender in New York. Photographs of Level 1 offenders also are provided upon request.
The Sex Offender Registry contains a variety of information about registered sex offenders, including but not limited to: multiple photos, names (aliases), home and/or work addresses, and convictions that required registration, if applicable.
Level 3 offenders and those offenders designated sexual predators must personally verify their address every 90 days with the police agency having jurisdiction where they live. If an offender's appearance has changed, police may photograph the offender and submit the update photo to the Registry.
The Sex Offender Registration Act requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to maintain a Sex Offender Registry. Sex offenders are classified according to their risk of re-offending: low-risk (Level 1), moderate risk (Level 2) and high-risk (Level 3). The Act requires that DCJS also maintain a public Subdirectory on the internet which only includes Level 2 and 3 offenders. You are now on the public Subdirectory website.
Please note that because of a law suit filed by The Legal Aid Society on behalf of some sex offenders, not all Level 2 and 3 offenders can be listed on this site at this time. However, even though an offender may not be listed on this site, information about the offender is available through DCJS's 800 # at 800-262-3257.
DCJS maintains the Sex Offender Registry and provides information to the public, law enforcement agencies, businesses and other entities about individuals required to register as sex offenders in New York State.
Our database shows there are 204 registered Sex Offenders in Staten Island, NY, a ratio of 0.00 Sex Offenders per 10,000 residents. This is lower than the national average of 15.76 Sex Offenders per 10,000 residents. Records indicate there are 2,369 incarcerated Sex Offenders in New York, as well as 4,445 offenders whose location is unknown in New York due to the Sex Offenders being transient or their address being unmappable.
*No representation is made that the person listed here is currently on the state's offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site.
10312 isa densely populated, upscaleurban zip code in Staten Island, New York.The population is primarily white,andmostly married couples.At $476,000 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains.
Are you thinking about moving to a neighborhood in 10312? You might be interested to know that the average commute time to work for people living in 10312 is 46.7 minutes!The median age here is 40. There are 28,776 men and 30,528 women. The median age for men is 39 while for women the median age is 42.
To give you a sense of the community, 37,951 people (out of the 59,304 people live here) have lived in their home at least 5 years. The Post Office delivers mail to 18,291 homes, and 514 businesses every day. 323 people ride bikes or walk to work on a fairly regular basis.10312 Zip code is located in the Eastern time zone at 41 degrees latitude(Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Istanbul, Turkey!)and -74 degrees longitude. It has an average elevation of 82 feet above sea levell. is a free resource provided by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART). NSOPW provides current information about sex offenders directly from law enforcement agencies throughout the country, including their names, aliases, current photographs, addresses where they live or work or go to school, their sex crime convictions, their unique features or tattoos, vehicle information and other identifying information. NSOPW is also available as a mobile app, which lets you search on the go by location or by name.
There are approximately 850,000 registered sex offenders in the United States. On NSOPW, you can search by name, state, ZIP code or a specific address (and radius). A name search will produce a list of all sex offenders with that name anywhere in the United States. A ZIP code or area/radius search will produce a list of all the sex offenders living, working or going to school in that area. Each search will produce an alphabetical list of sex offenders with photographs. Clicking on an individual listing gives you access to complete public registry information. NSOPW also contains valuable information regarding safety and education as well as resources for victims of abuse.
You should be aware that other sex offender websites may claim to be the biggest or the best sex offender registry available. Some websites, after a short introductory period, begin to charge a fee for other information. The SMART Office believes that the more sex offender information available the better, and we are dedicated to assuring NSOPW is accurate and current. Some privately run websites may not have direct access to complete information or to all SORNA jurisdictions. Other websites may not provide a national base of information or they may not provide the most current information. For accurate, complete and free information about the location of registered sex offenders, go to
The Colonie Police Department utilizes Sheriff Alerts to manage and monitor the whereabouts, conduct and compliance status of the registered offenders in Colonie. Search by address for a list of sex offenders in your area. You may also register to receive alerts. Protect your family with safety tips and information.
The Alaska Sex Offender Registration Act (ASORA) requires persons convicted of sex offenses or child kidnapping to register and periodically re-register with the Alaska Department of Corrections, the Alaska State Troopers, or local police, and to disclose detailed personal information, including that specified in AS 12.63.010, some of which is not otherwise public. The Department of Public Safety is required to maintain a central registry of sex offenders and child kidnappers. AS 18.65.087. Most of the disclosed information is publicly disseminated and is published by the state on the internet. Specifically, AS 18.65.087(b) provides that information about a sex offender or child kidnapper that is contained in the central registry, including sets of fingerprints, is confidential and not subject to public disclosure except as to the sex offender's or child kidnapper's name, aliases, address, photograph, physical description, description of motor vehicles, license numbers of motor vehicles, and vehicle identification numbers of motor vehicles, place of employment, date of birth, crime for which convicted, date of conviction, place and court of conviction, length and conditions of sentence, and a statement as to whether the offender or kidnapper is in compliance with requirements for reporting residency and other information, or cannot be located. The department, at least quarterly, shall compile a list of those persons with a duty to register under who have failed to register, whose addresses cannot be verified, or who otherwise cannot be located. The department shall post this list on the internet and request the public's assistance in locating these persons. 18.65.087(g). The name, address, and other identifying information of a member of the public who makes an information request under this section is not a public record under the Public Records Act. AS 18.65.087(e).
However, courts have found the registration requirement unconstitutional with respect to two classes of convicted offenders. First, ASORA violated the due process rights of sex offenders and child kidnappers who were given a suspended imposition of sentence (SIS) by a court, and successfully made a substantial showing of rehabilitation to get through their probationary period without being sentenced, so that their convictions were set aside, before the effective date of ASORA, could not be required to register under the Act. Doe v. State, 92 P.3d 398 (Alaska 2004). The court said there is a significant difference between a public record that continues to memorialize a conviction after it is set aside and a state-sponsored internet site that displays the information ASORA requires. The difference is not merely that the state has improved access to public information it had a legitimate right to gather at the time a defendant was convicted. The difference instead lies in the extent and nature of information to be divulged and the offender's duty to keep it updated. To advance ASORA's purposes effectively, the registry must include enough information to enable the public to reduce the danger registrants are assumed to pose. ASORA therefore requires a sex offender to disclose and update extensive personal information. Much of this information was not otherwise available to the public or the state when the conviction was set aside and much of it would not otherwise be presently available to either the public or the state. Most of the information about Doe that was to have been published in the ASORA registry was not in the public record when Doe was convicted or when the court set aside his conviction and ordered him discharged. (The Legislature subsequently amended ASORA to make it applicable even to offenders whose convictions have been set aside.) 2b1af7f3a8