HITMAN - Bonus Campaign Patient Zero Download] [FULL]
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Following the buyout, IO Interactive retained the rights to the Hitman franchise and began self-publishing the game digitally. It released "ICA Facility", the game's prologue, as a free-to-play game in June 2017.[75] IO Interactive then released Hitman: Game of the Year Edition on 7 November 2017 for download; the re-release includes the base game and a separate campaign named "Patient Zero", a remix of the Bangkok, Sapienza, Colorado, and Hokkaido episodes.[76] It also includes a new costume inspired by Blood Money, and new music composed by Niels Bye Nielsen.[77] The studio then partnered with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to release the Game of the Year Edition for retail on 15 May 2018. The edition, which is titled Hitman: Definitive Edition, includes the campaign and the bonus episodes, as well as the "IO Interactive's 20th Anniversary Outfit Bundle", which includes outfits inspired by IO's other franchises such as Freedom Fighters, Mini Ninjas, and Kane & Lynch.[78] 2b1af7f3a8