Freedom Fighter 2 Pc Game Free Download ##TOP##
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When Virtua Fighter was released for the PC in 1994, it was one of the first console-to-PC ports and was a complete disaster. The game's graphics were terrible, even by 1994 standards, and the game had numerous bugs. The controls were faulty, difficulty was far too high, and it was extremely disorganized. Finally, it came with a dark, surly character named Edward Norton who was a blatant ripoff of the character from the film Fight Club. (Who else was going to be in the game?) Virtua Fighter could have been a decent fighting game if it had been a faithful port of the arcade game, but this was not the case. Instead, the developers added controls and game balance, altered the plot, and replaced characters with all sorts of modern movie stars. We can only hope that the developers of the upcoming Virtua Fighter 4 will take the time to offer us a faithful PC port that retains Virtua Fighter's great character roster, original game balance, and seriously flawed, but still entertaining plot.
It's kind of hard to beat a classic like Virtua Fighter. Sure, it's been over ten years, but how about a sequel? How about a game called Virtua Fighter II? Now, I have to admit, I'm not a hardcore fighter fan. I've never had a joystick in my life. I've never been able to play the arcade game, and for Virtua Fighter II I'm not that interested in finding out how it plays. I'm more of a movie buff than a fighter fan, and the only fighter I know is the one in the movie Karate Champ. That's okay. I'm a huge fan of the movie Karate Champ and would like to see an arcade version of the game in the movie theater. I'd like to see a movie version of Virtua Fighter II, too. I just want to see what it'd be like to run around in a virtual world that's completely computer generated.
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