Mechquest Nova Gems Generator
"i was searching the net one day...i was searching the net one day when i came across this blog site for how to get freenovas, it really works too, all u have to do is go intomech quest, bin all of your stuff, then press ALT + f4, this has gotten me 900 nova gemsin 5 mi***es" the guy who said that is a liar cuz alt+ f4 closes your browser so dont believe him
I got my nova gems from the movie place where the girl ask you if you want a prize orsomething. But mostly she gives you some gold and rarely gives out nova gems. I got luckyand got 90 nova gems in one day.
I have the best mechs in the game cause i'm level 45 star captin and i have everything!Wow nova gems are usless so there is no way to get free nova gems unless videos,recrutinga friend,or hacks so shut up please
I no how to get free 200 nova gems...U can get 2000 nova gems in a minute...All u have to do is download spooks mq...Go to loaders and u will sa a space with an id letters in it...Then type 110 ...Buy the mech (the mech is 0 nova gems if u buy it and when u sell it u will get 200 novagems)...I already got a vladic dark knight which cost 2450 nova gems...And that it... 2b1af7f3a8